myclimate backs climate-neutral flights

Zurich/Altenrhein SG – The organisation myclimate is supporting People’s Viennaline in taking effective steps to protect the climate. The airline now offers its passengers the option of offsetting the carbon footprint of their flight through a myclimate-run project in Nicaragua.

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People’s Viennaline in Altenrhein in the canton of St.Gallen is already a member of the climate-neutrality alliance Klimaneutralitätbundnis 2025 and is the first airline in the world to operate in a climate-neutral manner by offsetting its own corporate carbon footprint.

According to a statement from the airline, it is now giving its passengers the opportunity to contribute to climate protection by offering the option to book a climate-neutral flight. Passengers would offset their flight emissions by paying a fee calculated on the kilometres travelled, and the money would then be invested in a myclimate community reforestation project in Nicaragua that supports smallholder farming families in the municipality of San Juan de Limay collaborate to reforest underutilised portions of their land.

“We already know that mobility and aviation are responsible for a large share of carbon emissions. The airport, like the airline, stands for ‘regional pride and flying from home’. It’s precisely this home that we have to care for. I feel very strongly about belonging to Klimaneutralitätbündnis 2025 and its valuable network. For the region and our home!”, said People’s Air Group CEO Daniel Steffen.

People’s Air Group consists of the airline as well as the People’s Business Airport St.Gallen-Altenrhein.