New company makes distribution grids fit for the future

Zurich – Over the course of the GridBox project, innovative solutions were developed to help make distribution grids ready for the future. Now, a spin-off headquartered in Zurich has emerged out of this project. Its aim is to commercialise this new technology.

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SCS AG developed the smart grid platform GridBox in collaboration with the electric utility of the city of Zurich (ewz), BKW and Bacher Energie AG, and refined it and tested it over the course of a project.

It works by enabling distributed measurement and control devices to collect data about the grid every second and communicate the state of the grid to a regional GridBox master. The master implements algorithms that permit automatic interventions to ensure grid stability. For example, photovoltaic inverters, batteries or electric vehicle charging stations can be automatically controlled in real time in the distribution grid.

The GridBox project partners have now founded a company in Zurich tasked whose goal is to commercialise and further develop this innovative grid management platform for industrial use. smart grid solutions AG has launched a new platform called smartbox, which combines the GridBox technology with the insights gathered over the course of the project.

“With the growth of distributed power generation, battery storage solutions and e-mobility, grid operators will face new challenges – and some are already a reality,” said Anton Gunzinger, entrepreneur and member of the board of smart grid solutions AG. “The smartbox will help them overcome these challenges as it serves not only a single goal, but rather as a platform it supports a range of functions, services and business models of grid operators.”