Solar Impulse 2 crosses the Pacific

Lausanne - The solar aircraft Solar Impulse 2 has landed in California, completing its successful crossing of the Pacific. The round-the-world flight will now continue via New York, Europe or North Africa.

von swisscleantech

Pilots Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg are undertaking the round-the-world flight. Piccard piloted the solar plane during the stage from Hawaii to Moffett Airfield in Silicon Valley, California. He spoke to Ban Ki-moon over video conference link straight from the cockpit. According to a Solar Impulse press release, Piccard and the United Nations Secretary-General spoke on Friday about the signing of the climate agreement.

Solar Impulse broke several world records during its Pacific crossing, including distance, speed, duration and altitude in the electric aeroplane category, as well as altitude (gain of height) in the solar aeroplane category, reports a press release.   

“Solar Impulse showcases that today exploration is no longer about conquering new territories, because even the moon has already been conquered, but about exploring new ways to have a better quality of life on earth,” commented Piccard, who is also honorary president of the swisscleantech economic association, of the project’s goal.