EnAlpin looks to re-orient its business

Visp VS – The energy producer EnAlpin intends to tackle the industry’s challenges by re-orienting its business. The company was satisfied with the past fiscal year.

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EnAlpin achieved an operating profit of CHF 19.8 million and an annual profit of CHF 7.5 in the past fiscal year, as it writes in a press release. Public dues and taxes were estimated at CHF 21 million.

“The favourable water conditions, which lead to higher energy production, had a positive impact on the annual results. These were offset by the continued decline in electricity prices, which has led to the electricity glut in Europe,” says EnAlpin president Hans Kuntzemüller. He also referred to the strain caused by the “sudden change in exchange rates.”

For the future, the company intends to re-orient itself “to tackle the current difficulties of the core business,” says Kuntzemüller. Accordingly, EnAlpin will become a service provider for its customers in all energy sectors. CEO Michel Schwery emphasises that the EnAlpin’s traditional energy business should continue to remain its strength, “but we want to diversity in the energy sector and become a comprehensive and efficient service provider.”

The company will emphasise sustainability in the future by offering customers home energy production via photovoltaic installations, optimised energy consumption or even a focus on electric mobility. Alongside water, EnAlpin will also take advantage of the sun as a source of renewable energy.