digitalSTROM wins IoT competition

Schlieren – Smart home pioneer digitalSTROM has won the Internet of Things Award from Total Telecom, which honours products and companies that successfully drive the internet of things. digitalSTROM won in the Smart Home Initiative category.

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digitalSTROM calls its win “the most prestigious award that digitalSTROM has received at an international level.” The smart home pioneer came ahead of the two other finalists, Nest and Orange, to win the Internet of Things Award (IoTA) from Total Telecom and now joins these two “major industry players” as their equal.

The IoTA jury based their decision on the innovative capabilities and sustainable marketing success of digitalSTROM. “We would like to offer our customers exactly what the IoTA stands for and what new technologies make possible: creating greater comfort, benefits and energy efficiency in smart homes and many other areas of life through digitisation and connectivity,” said digitalSTROM CEO Martin Vesper at the award ceremony in London.

digitalSTROM’s concept is to integrate various devices – such as lights and blinds – from a variety of providers with each other using existing electrical wiring and open interfaces in a user-friendly, seamless and reliable manner.