Solar Impulse can continue its flight

Lausanne – Solar Impulse 2 had to suspend its round-the-world trip earlier this year due to battery damage. The solar-powered airplane has now raised the funding necessary to finish its journey.

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According to André Borschberg, co-pilot of Solar Impulse 2, USD 20 million has been raised to continue the round-the-world trip. As the Handelszeitung reports, the financial side of the record-setting journey is now secure. Borschberg is currently attending the UN climate conference in Paris with his co-founder and co-pilot Betrand Piccard.

The solar-powered airplane is currently wintering in Hawaii where it was grounded earlier this year due to overheated batteries. Borschberg said in Paris that they will begin test flights in March and continue their trip around the world in April, beginning with a first leg to North America. It total, the journey will cover a distance of 35,000 kilometres. The Solar Impulse 2 is equipped with more than 17,000 solar cells.