Web seminar on risk management

Zurich – RepRisk AG of Zürich is to host a seminar via the World Wide Web. Central to the webinar, which will take place on 15th October, is improving risk management and climate protection.

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The webinar (from web and seminar) will help firms interested in sustainability to understand how external analysts and investors evaluate risk factors, reported a press release. Understanding this and the risks related to climate change and resource shortages can both help strengthen a business’s reputation and save it money.

During the free webinar, Britta Margraf of RepRisk and Jennifer Clipsham, principal consultant at thinkstep, will cover the key issue of reputational risk analysis. They will explain how RepRisk considers the stakeholder’s perspective on ESG risks (environmental, social and governance), providing a valuable “outsider perspective” when evaluating a company. Other key issues to be covered include proactive risk management and the identification of hot-spots. The webinar will take place on 15th October at 5pm Central European Summer Time.