Bauwerk Parquet handles resources with care

St.Margrethen - EPEA Switzerland helps companies accomplish resource-friendly production. The Swiss business has welcomed the success of the St.Gallen parquet manufacturer Bauwerk Parquet, whose entire production in Switzerland has been cradle-to-cradle certified.

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EPEA Switzerland develops products and services that allow for resources to be reused again and again. This so-called “cradle to cradle” production cycle uses chemicals only if they have been assessed to be safe. The quality of the raw materials is maintained across multiple life cycles, thus avoiding any waste.  

Parquet manufacturer Bauwerk Parquet, which is headquartered in St.Margrethen in the canton of St.Gallen, has now received cradle-to-cradle certification for its entire production in Switzerland, writes EPEA Switzerland in a press release. One section of the product portfolio received Gold status, while the other products were certified Bronze.  

According to Bauwerk Parquet, the cradle-to-cradle certification also gives building owners and inhabitants the assurance that no noxious substances will be discharged into the air – guaranteeing “healthy living”.