Climate foundation examines impact of climate policies

Vaduz - The LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein is organising an event at the University of Liechtenstein ahead of the Climate Change Conference in Paris. It will discuss the effects of international climate policies on the financial sector.

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International experts including Dr. Armin Haas, scientist at IASS Potsdam and long-time employee at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, will participate at the LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein’s event on 28th October. A total of 150 countries have submitted their national contribution for a climate agreement to the United Nations, accounting for 90 per cent of global emissions. Haas confirmed that an overwhelming majority of countries were now on board. He added that the information could – or should – be interpreted as investment guidelines for the future.

Haas believes that climate targets will have an “enormous impact” on the respective economies. The Climate Foundation’s event at the University of Liechtenstein will allow for discussions on the effects of international climate policies on global and regional financial economies.