Implenia wins award for timber-built project

Dietlikon – Swiss construction company Implenia has won silver in the National Prix Lignum 2015 for its Giesserei project in Winterthur.

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The Prix Lignum prize is awarded every three years to the best wooden construction projects in Switzerland. According to the jury, the Giesserei project is a great example of what can be achieved with wood on a large scale:  “The building is a beacon project that demonstrates the role modern wooden construction can play in the urban environment today and tomorrow,” the jury is quoted as saying in an Impenia news release.

With more than 150 apartments on six floors, the Giesserei in Winterthur is one of the largest timber-built housing developments in Switzerland. Everything except the basement floors and stairwells are made entirely of wood. Implenia calls the Minergie-P-Eco development “ecologically, socially and economically groundbreaking.”