digitalSTROM shortlisted for Internet of Things Awards

Schlieren – digitalSTROM, a Schlieren-based provider of intelligent home network solutions, has made it into the finals of the Internet of Things Awards. The competition honours products, companies or ideas that make a contribution to the Internet of Things.

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In a joint news release, digitalSTROM and its partner TIBCO Software announced that the Schlieren-based company is one of three finalists in the Internet of Things Awards (IoTA) in the Smart Home category. The other two finalists in this category are Orange and Nest. The awards are organised by the publisher of Total Telecom.

At the heart of digitalSTROM’s integrated smart home ecosystem is a smart terminal block containing an integrated patented chip that enables all electrical devices to be connected to one network in real time, writes digitalSTROM, and transforms every appliance into an Internet of Things device. digitalSTROM’s smart home system uses TIBCO’s cloud-based data platform, which allows intelligent home processes to work in the background.

The award ceremony will be held on 1 December in Wembley Stadium in London.