Energy storage devices present investment opportunities

Zurich – The investment consultancy SUSI Partners specialises in projects that serve the energy revolution. CEO Tobias Reichmuth has now explained the role that energy storage devices could play.

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In order to channel power from renewable sources into the grid, the infrastructure must be adapted to cope with resulting fluctuations. It is here that Reichmuth sees potential for energy storage devices, as he explained in an article in the insurance trade journal “Schweizer Personalfürsorge”, which was published on the SUSI Partners website.

Energy storage devices for wind and solar power could be used twofold, presenting respective business models, added Reichmuth. On the one hand, the storage devices could balance out surpluses and shortfalls with renewable energies. On the other, they could offer other benefits that would guarantee a “consistently uniform provision of electricity both qualitatively and quantitatively”. An optimal combination of these applications, or hybrid forms thereof, would give investors the best possible returns, said Reichmuth.

Between 2014 and 2019, 79 per cent average annual growth is forecast in the storage market, according to the article. 2019 alone will demand investment of almost CHF 10 billion, revealed Reichmuth. For investors, he considers diversification “across multiple regions, business models and technologies” to be essential.