Implenia wins two contracts in French-speaking Switzerland

Dietlikon ZH – The Swiss construction company Implenia has won two new contracts worth a total of CHF 140 million: an office building for the Global Fund in Geneva and the new headquarters of the Swiss machinery group Boschung in Payerne.

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Work begins in January 2016 on the new Borschung headquarters on the Aéropol site, which is situated in the immediate vicinity of Payerne military airport. According to an Implenia news release, the headquarters will include production workshops, offices, a staff restaurant, an information centre and a showroom on an area of around 10,000 square metres. Construction will last until July 2017.

The Global Fund offices in Geneva will house its Campus Santé. Global Fund, which was created by the G8 states in 2002, fights against Malaria, AIDS and tuberculosis. The building will offer 25,500 square metres of floor space. Minergie certification is being sought for the building, which should be completed at the end of 2017.

Implenia has been using its One Company model for the Global Fund building since the project began in November. Under this approach, Implenia’s specialists from different disciplines work together in one project group. This approach improves execution quality and facilitates communication through a single point of contact for all relevant topics connection to the construction project. Implenia intends to focus even more in the future on this model.