Investors increasingly concerned about climate risks

Zurich – Fossil Free Indexes, a provider of financial research and products on climate risks, has launched its third annual report. The Zurich climate action organisation South Pole Group contributed information about carbon footprinting.

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Investors are increasingly taking into account climate risks in their investment decisions, says Fossil Free Indexes (FFI) CEO Christoph Ito. Every three months FFI produces the Carbon Underground 200 (CU200), an index that lists the top publicly traded coal, oil and gas reserve owners ranked by the potential carbon emissions of their reported reserves, writes South Pole Group in a statement. FFI’s annual report analyses the changes to the CU200 over the past year.

South Pole Group provided an analysis of carbon footprinting for this year’s, including a carbon footprint of the CU200 based on estimated emissions from operations.

“We are pleased to complement The Carbon Underground annual report with an in-depth emission analysis of the assessed companies and a carbon footprint measurement.” said Maximilian Horster, a partner at South Pole Group. “Understanding one’s carbon footprint is a first step for every climate impact assessment."