LIFE Climate Foundation promotes e-mobility

Vaduz – More than 100 people have tested the BMW i3 as part of a project by the LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein. The results are now being evaluated and new initiatives are being planned.

von swisscleantech

Thanks to a cooperation between the LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein, the utility company Liechtensteinischen Kraftwerken (LKW) and BMW Switzerland, residents of Liechtenstein were able to test drive three BMW i3s from June to August 2015 for free. The project, called E-Mobilität LIFE, is now finished, according to a news release from the LIFE Climate Foundation.

“We are convinced that this successful cooperation will make a very important contribution to boosting confidence in the viability of e-mobility,” says Adolf Real, vice president of the LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein. The three cars covered a total of 21,903 kilometres over the course of the project.   

The project results are now being evaluated with the aim of finding new solutions to existing hurdles, such as the at times high vehicle prices. Similar initiatives of this kind are already being planned.