Mega rooftop PV system hooked up to grid

Zuchwil – Switzerland’s largest and most powerful rooftop photovoltaic system began operations in Zuchwil. Implenia and Helion Solar carried out the project on behalf of the client, Swiss Prime Site.

von swisscleantech

The solar power system with a total output of 5,764 kilowatts peak (kWp) began operations at the end of September on the Riverside industrial estate in Zuchwil in the canton of Solothurn, writes Swiss construction services company Implenia. The size of five football fields, it is Switzerland’s largest and most powerful interconnected roof-mounted photovoltaic system and covers the annual energy needs of around 2,726 individuals or 1,027 four-person homes. It is projected to save approximately 595 tonnes of CO2 each year.

The photovoltaic system was built by solar power plant specialists Helion Solar on behalf of the client Swiss Prime Site, a real estate investment company located in Olten. As general planner, Implenia was responsible for the engineering services. The project was planned and built in less than one year — a record-breaking time.