Migrol takes steps to protect the climate

Zurich – The oil company Migrol, a subsidiary of the Migros group, has teamed up with myclimate to offer its customers the opportunity to offset their carbon emissions.

von swisscleantech

Migrol is offering its customers the chance to offset their carbon emissions when purchasing and delivering heating oil, diesel or gasoline by adding on a surcharge to the delivery costs. In collaboration with the climate protection foundation myclimate, the emissions will be offset through three different projects in Kenya.

“As a leading company in the Swiss energy services market, we want to set a good example and are therefore actively committed to effective climate protection. With myclimate, we have found the right partner, one that is working towards global as well as local climate protection through concrete projects,” said Migrol CEO Daniel Hofer.

The Migros subsidiary has set itself the goal of saving 117,000 tonnes of CO2 each year through its partnership with myclimate.