Piccard remains optimistic

Hawaii – The sun-powered Solar Impulse 2 plane is grounded in Hawaii until its batteries can be repaired. Pilot Bertrand Piccard has returned to Switzerland to raise the EUR 20 million required for the repairs.

von swisscleantech

A range of online media in Switzerland have reported that Bertrand Piccard has returned to the country to raise the funds needed to continue the solar mission. Piccard explained in an interview with British newspaper “The Guardian” that he didn’t think he would have any problem raising the estimated EUR 20 million required to continue the flight. He added that the successful first leg of the project had been sufficient promotion.

Solar Impulse 2’s batteries overheated between Japan and Hawaii during the longest stage of the round-the-world trip so far. Once they have been repaired, the journey is expected to continue in spring 2016.