RepRisk celebrates anniversary

Zurich - The data provider RepRisk has entered the 10th year of its current business model. The company supplies investors with information about environmental, social and governance risks.

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RepRisk started up in 1998, a statement revealed. In its early years, the Zurich-based company acted as an environmental risk consultancy. In 2006, RepRisk began developing a systematic framework to identify and assess environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks. A year later, the RepRisk ESG Risk Platform launched.  

Today, the company claims to have the world’s largest information database on ESG risks. Containing profiles of 65,000 companies and 17,000 projects, it analyses whole sectors and “every country in the world”. Some of the world’s leading financial institutions and companies would rely on RepRisk data, explained the data provider. 

“RepRisk is proud to celebrate a decade of progress and innovation,” said chief executive officer Philipp Aeby. He added that RepRisk wanted to continue helping its customers achieve long-term success through transparency and risk management.