Solar Impulse 2 completes round-the-world solar flight

Abu Dhabi – The Swiss solar-powered aircraft Solar Impulse 2 successfully completed the first-ever round-the-world solar flight on Tuesday, flying more than 40,000 kilometres without using a drop of fuel.

von swisscleantech

Solar Impulse initiator and pilot Bertrand Piccard touched down in Abu Dhabi in the early hours of Tuesday, writes Solar Impulse in a statement. The landing brings full circle the historic round-the-world journey that began in March 2015 when Solar Impulse 2 set off from Abu Dhabi with fellow pilot André Borschberg in the cockpit.

The final leg from Cairo to Abu Dhabi covered 2,694 kilometres and took Piccard 48 hours and 37 minutes to complete.

“This is not only a first in the history of aviation; it’s before all a first in the history of energy. I’m sure that within 10 years we’ll see electric airplanes transporting 50 passengers on short to medium haul flights,” said Piccard after landing.

Piccard was greeted in Abu Dhabi by Swiss federal councillor Doris Leuthard. She called 26 July 2016 “a milestone on the path towards using our world’s resources sustainably.” Following the recent opening of the Gotthard base tunnel, the longest railway tunnel in the world, Switzerland has once again demonstrated its innovative power, according to a statement from the Swiss government.

The Zurich technology group ABB, which forged an innovation and technology alliance with Solar Impulse, also celebrating the landing. “This is a truly historic achievement, with tremendous symbolic significance,” said ABB CEO Ulrich Spiesshofer. “It demonstrates clearly that with pioneering spirit and clean technologies, we can run the world without consuming the earth.”

The Solar Impulse team, led by pilots Piccard and Borschberg, broke a number of records on their round-the-world journey, most notably Borschberg’s pioneering first of flying five consecutive days and nights over the Pacific Ocean from Japan to Hawaii in 2015. It was the longest duration a solo airplane of any kind has every flown. It was followed by Piccard’s historic first of crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a solar-powered airplane. 

Piccard, who is also an honourary president of the business association swisscleantech, and Borschberg will continue to advocate for clean technologies.

“Solar Impulse is of course very well positioned to contribute to the next generations of manned or unmanned electric aircrafts. By capitalising on the engineering skills and expertise gained over the past decade, we will continue to work to encourage concrete innovations and disruptive solutions,” said Borschberg in looking ahead.