South Pole Group encourages climate protection in Colombia

Medellin – The Colombian energy company ISA has offset 100 per cent of its greenhouse gas emissions through a reforestation project launched by the Zurich environment and climate action organisation South Pole Group.

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South Pole Group’s reforestation project is located in Bajo Cauca, Antioquia in Colombia. According to a press release, the goal of the project is not only to plant trees, but also to foster natural regeneration in a region degraded by years of cattle grazing and mining.

The reforestation efforts seek to re-establish the forest’s rich ecosystem. Around 20 local tree species have been planted, allowing a variety of plants and animals to resettle in the forest. These include rare turtles and critically endangered monkeys. 10,870 hectares have been successfully reforested, and 150 jobs have been created from the project.

The energy company ISA participated in the project to offset 100 per cent of its greenhouse gas emissions and received a Carbon Neutral Certificate from South Pole Group for its efforts, according to an article on the Zurich organisation’s website.

The reforestation project is based on the strictest standards for forestry carbon projects worldwide. In addition to offsetting carbon emissions, the project protects biodiversity and improves the quality of life of communities in Bajo Cauca.