South Pole Group helps preserve green spaces

Zurich – Environment and climate protection organisation South Pole Group helped support the hard work of Australian farmer and cricketing legend Glenn McGrath to regenerate his land. His efforts are now being awarded with a guaranteed stream of income from the Australian government.

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McGrath grazes sheep and cattle near Engonnia in New South Wales. According to a news release from South Pole Group, he implemented a management regime to control grazing, support native plant regeneration and exclude feral animals – and thus contribute to large scale land management change.

His was one of 48 projects developed by South Pole Group and its partners to be awarded contracts in the second auction under Australian’s Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). The regeneration projects developed by South Pole Group and its partners cover a total area of 1.8 million hectares and demonstrate the role carbon farming can play in preserving green spaces while bringing value to farming communities.