SUSI finances ENGIE energy efficiency project

Zurich – SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund is collaborating with the energy service provider ENGIE Deutschland by financing an energy-optimisation project of existing infrastructure in Germany.

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ENGIE Deutschland works with end customers to help them achieve energy savings. If the saving level is not reached, ENGIE will make a compensation payment to the customers. SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund is now acting as a strategic financing partner for such an energy savings contract, according to a SUSI Partners AG statement. The energy savings from the first joint project amount to 2,500 megawatt hours per year.

“We are pleased to have created a win-win situation for all parties. The end customers will save energy costs and decrease their CO2 footprint whereas ENGIE Deutschland can use the liquidity for new projects,” said Sebastian Carneiro, director at SUSI Energy Efficiency AG mentioned. A subsidiary of SUSI Partners AG, SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund AG advises the fund on investments in private, industrial and public large-scale infrastructure.

“We have executed almost 100 projects in energy savings contracting in the last 20 years,” said Manfred Schmitz, CEO of ENGIE Deutschland. “We are pleased to have found in SUSI a cooperating partner which makes the contracting model accessible as an attractive investment for the capital market.”