Swiss solar airplane breaks world record

Hawaii – Solar Impulse 2 landed safely in Hawaii on 3 July after flying nearly 118 hours non-stop, successfully putting the longest and most difficult stage of its round-the-world journey behind it.

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Swiss pilot André Borschberg landed in Hawaii after flying without a single drop of fuel for five days and five nights – around 7,200 kilometres, writes Solar Impulse in a news release. The aviation feat means that Borschberg, co-founder of Solar Impulse with Betrand Piccard, broke the world records of distance and duration for solar aviation, as well as the world record for the longest solo flight ever.

Bertrand Piccard will fly to Phoenix for the next leg of the solar-powered airplane’s round-the-world attempt before the mission continues onward to New York, Europe and Abu Dhabi where it all started.