Tetra Pak wants to protect our future

Glattbrugg – The Swiss packaging company Tetra Pak has launched its 2015 sustainability report. One of its focuses is on securing the long-term supply of locally produced milk in developing countries.

von swisscleantech

Tetra Pak made progress on a number of its sustainability initiatives, writes the company in a news release. For instance, in January 2015 it launched the world’s first fully renewable package manufactured solely from materials derived from plants. It also launched a revolutionary filling machine that uses electron beams to sterilise packaging material, resulting in significant energy savings and reduced environmental impact.

One of Tetra Pak’s focuses is on developing countries. In addition to ongoing projects in Bangladesh, Kenya, Nicaragua and Sri Lanka, the company began a new project in Senegal in early 2015. Through these projects, it is helping to secure long-term supply of locally produced quality milk in these countries. The Swiss company also launched 20 products designed specifically for the low-income consumer segment.

President and CEO Dennis Jönsson says that his company’s approach to sustainability comes from its brand promise “Protects What’s Good”. This applies to food packaging but also means “protecting people, both inside and outside the company. And it means protecting futures: our planet’s, our customers’ and our own.”