Understanding of climate change will grow

Zurich – Environmental and climate protection organisation South Pole Group has collaborated with Swedish business magazine “Veckans Affärer“ to hold a conference on climate investments. In an interview with the magazine, Max Horster of South Pole Group said he was confident that understanding of climate issues would grow by 2020.

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Max Horster, Director Financial Industry at South Pole Group, explains in an interview published on the Swiss organisation’s website that in 2020, investment portfolios will look different than in the last 20 years. However, as he adds in the interview with “Veckans Affärer”, this will only be the case if there is a meaningful price on CO2. According to Horster, an increasing number of investors understand that the world can change if politics takes real steps towards a two-degree economy. This has implications for the economy.

Over the last few years, more and more investors have shown an interest in measuring the impact of their investments on the climate. This surprising development is as attributable to initiatives within the financial sector as to legal changes.