Plastics alternative confirmed as eco-friendly

Zurich – The Zurich-based start-up FluidSolids has developed a novel biocomposite that can be used as an alternative to plastic. A myclimate life cycle assessment has now confirmed that the material is eco-friendly, which in turn will facilitate its market launch.

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The material developed by the Zurich-based start-up FluidSolids is made up of fibres, fillers and binders. During the early stages, founder and CEO Beat Karrer mixed the material himself in a large kitchen mixer, according to a statement from the climate protection organisation myclimate.

The pilot facility has since been replaced by industrial production, turning out an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional plastic. FluidSolid biocomposites can be used for seating furniture, clothes hangers and even shop window mannequins.

In a life cycle assessment, myclimate has now confirmed that the innovative material concept is indeed environmentally friendly.

“In relation to the assessment of the overall environmental burden, our study has shown that the biocomposites of FluidSolids, when compared with other common plastics and wood-plastic composite materials, perform much better,” said Martin Lehmann, project manager of consulting and solutions at myclimate.

The ecological benefits of the FluidSolid biocomposites really stand out when it comes to disposal, explains myclimate. Whereas 90 per cent of waste plastics are still burned, the biocomposites can be composted harmless within a few months.

“The study’s overall positive results underscore that our products are an ecologically sensible alternative to conventional plastics,” Karrer said in the statement. “This makes the study a key tool for us when launching our biocomposites.”