South Pole Group discusses climate opportunities in Ethiopia

Zurich – Environment and climate protection organisation South Pole Group was part of a business delegation to visit Ethiopia with Swiss president Simonetta Sommaruga.

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Ethiopia’s goal is to increase its GDP to approximately USD 1,050 to 1,200 per capita per year by 2025, writes South Pole Group in a news release, and the East African country is firmly committed to a climate-resilient, green-economy development path to achieve this economic goal. This includes reducing per capita emissions from 1.8 tonnes per capita per year to 1.1 tonnes and producing 100 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources.

Represented by CFO and chairman of the board Dr. Christoph Grobbel, South Pole Group was one of six Swiss companies elected to be part of the Swiss business delegation that travelled to Ethiopia with Swiss president Simonetta Sommaruga. Grobbel met with high-ranking politicians to discuss opportunities to work together. South Pole Group is already actively in various African countries by working on projects to protect the climate, water, agriculture and forests.