South Pole Group presents paper on value of mitigation

Zurich/Bonn – Climate experts from the South Pole Group presented a paper at a side event at the Bonn Climate Conference on valuing the sustainable development co-benefits of mitigation actions in the waste sector.

von swisscleantech

The talks in Bonn are meant to pave the way to the key climate conference in Paris in December 2015. At a side event to the Bonn Climate Conference, the Zurich-based South Pole Group presented a paper that they prepared together with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the Bangladesh-based social business enterprise Waste Concern and the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The paper explores the socio-economic benefits of recovering organic waste from municipal waste and using it as a fertiliser. It focuses on three pilot cases in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal in terms of tonnes of CO2 saved, writes South Pole Group in a news release.

One of the aims of the side event was to draw recommendations for the design of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), including the role of government.