swisscleantech focuses on energy efficiency

Bern – The energy transition can only succeed by embracing energy efficiency, says the business association swisscleantech. Solar Impulse 2 and the Geneva utility SIG show how it works.

von swisscleantech

The matter is clear for Betrand Piccard: “Energy efficiency is the key to the energy transition,” said the aviation pioneer from Lausanne. His Solar Impulse 2 spent more time in the air than any other airplane in the world when it flew from Japan to Hawaii – something that was only possible because of extreme energy efficiency. The energy generated by the solar cells would hardly have been enough for the in-flight entertainment system in normal passenger aircrafts, he said in Bern on Wednesday at an event by swisscleantech and the Energy Efficiency Initiative.

Jürg Grossen, a member of the swisscleantech board and the Energy Efficiency Initiative committee, wants to see the Council of States re-incorporate the requirements for energy efficiency in buildings in the package of measures on the Energy Strategy 2050. It should also be possible to compel utilities to adopt energy efficiency measures, said the entrepreneur from the Bernese Oberland and green liberal National Councillor.

The Geneva utilities Services Industriels de Genève (SIG) is already well underway in this regard, said SIG manager Cédric Jeanneret. SIG has already invested CHF 50 million in its programme éco21, launched in 2009. Since then, energy consumption in the canton has declined each year by 0.5 per cent despite a rising population and increased economic output. The programme has also brought consumers savings of CHF 75 million in energy costs. SIG now has to find a way to recoup its investments.